Interstellar Guard
Department of Military Intelligence
Required Clearance: Top Secret

Name: Donald Shepard
Alias: “Shep”
Birthplace: Haven City, Earth
Age: 45
Role: ISG Commanding Officer of Saber Team.
Bio: Hailing from Earth’s illustrious Haven City, Donald Shepard is a seventh-generation career soldier in the Interstellar Guard. Through his natural gift for warfare, Donald quickly rose through the enlisted ranks and was eventually selected for the ISG Special Forces Division.
After just two years as a special ops operator, Donald was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, where he was given his first command, taking charge of an elite Shadow Tech unit specializing in counterterrorism: Saber Team.
Under his leadership, Saber Team brought down the most notorious targets from across all known criminal factions, including Orion’s Shield and the Dragen Alliance. Over the years, Donald ascended to the rank of Captain, refusing to promote any higher, as such a career move would prohibit him from operating in the field with the loyal soldiers under his command.